GLIDE n° FL-2011-000002-BRA
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) is a source of un-earmarked money created by the Federation in 1985 to ensure that immediate financial support is available for Red Cross Red Crescent response to emergencies. The DREF is a vital part of the International Federation’s disaster response system and increases the ability of National Societies to respond to disasters.
Summary: 20,000 Swiss francs were allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 18 January 2011 to support the National Society in carrying out a damage and needs assessment following the floods in Rio de Janeiro state.
The IFRC’s Regional Organizational Development Coordinator and a Pan-American Disaster Response Unit (PADRU)
Delegate were deployed to Brazil to support the Brazilian Red Cross (BRC) response to floods. Approximately 45,000 persons were affected by the floods which resulted in significant damages to homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
After the completion of damage and needs assessments, the Brazilian Red Cross drew up a plan of action to assist 2,500 families (approximately 12,500 people) with relief items. Several bilateral donors supported the plan of action through financial and material contributions which facilitated its implementation.
This report is final in terms of narrative and financials. The operation is now closed, with a final balance of 15,528 Swiss francs unspent and returned to the DREF.
The Canadian Red Cross Society contributed CHF 4,493 to the DREF in replenishment of the allocation made for this operation. The major donors to the DREF are the Irish, Italian, Netherlands and Norwegian governments and ECHO. Details of all donors can be found on